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Established in 1998, this awards program recognizes our former students, colleagues, and friends who have transcended their fundamental roles as health care providers, scientists, and educators to become influential participants in the advancement of the art and science of medicine. Excellence in these areas brings pride and distinction to the University of Iowa and the Carver College of Medicine.
Learn more about the: distinguished alumni awards.
Browse this year's award recipients

James Christensen, MD
James Christensen (64R–gastroenterology) is an internationally recognized physician, scholar, and scientist responsible for major contributions to the understanding and management of gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Debby Tsuang, MD
Debby Tsuang (83BS, 88MD, 92MS, 92R–psychiatry) has made critical contributions to the understanding of dementia and related disorders through her research on their genetic, clinical, and neuropathological underpinnings.

Alireza Shamshirsaz, MD, FACOG
Alireza Shamshirsaz (09R–obstetrics and gynecology) ranks among the world’s foremost experts in fetal surgery and in the treatment of abnormally adherent placenta, a rare pregnancy complication also known as placenta accreta spectrum.

Jeremy Cauwels, MD, FACP, FHM
Jeremy Cauwels’ (02MD) leadership and advocacy have redefined the patient experience at Sanford Health System, the nation’s largest rural nonprofit health care system.

Sharon Goodwin Fogleman, MD
Sharon Goodwin Fogleman has dedicated her career to medical missions in Kenya, rural Appalachia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Ghana.

Janet Schlechte, MD
Janet Schlechte’s clinical research on the relationship between prolactinomas and bone loss has shaped the understanding of how the endocrine and skeletal systems interact, garnering her invitations to present at conferences around the world.